Famous Gajak: Kutama Gajak-Morena Gajak…Many varieties of Gajak are found in this city of Rajasthan

Famous Gajak: Kutama Gajak-Morena Gajak…Many varieties of Gajak are found in this city of Rajasthan

Report-Lalitesh Kushwaha

Bharatpur, Gajak sweets are made and eaten in almost all the states of India during the winter season. This sweet is delicious as well as very beneficial. Looking at this season, its demand remains high. Although Kutima Gajak is famous in Bharatpur, but other types of Gajak are also made along with it.

Sweet businessman Uday Singh Saini told that especially in Bharatpur Shahi Roll, Til Patti, Peanut Chikki, Morena Revdi, Mawa Gajak etc. are made in different ways by different traders. Morena’s Gajak has its own distinct taste, while Bharatpur’s Gajak is no less. The supply of Gajak here is up to the country and abroad. At the same time, this Gajak also helps in getting rid of many types of diseases.

from your city (Bharatpur)

So many types of Gajak are available in Bharatpur…

kutaima gajak

This Gajak is famous all over the country and the way of making it is also different. Apart from being soft to eat, elders also enjoy eating it due to being crispy. To make it, jaggery or sugar syrup is first prepared and it is boiled on a furnace for a long time. Then when the sugar syrup cools, strings are formed. Then the sugar syrup is drawn several times with the help of a machine. And when the sugar syrup becomes soft and crispy, roasted sesame seeds are mixed in it. After this, small lohi of 30 to 35 grams is made and kept on the ground and beaten 35 to 40 times with wooden hammers. After this round pieces are made.

Roll Gajak

Roll Gajak is made of sesame seeds and jaggery. Jaggery and sugar syrup is prepared and roasted sesame seeds are mixed. After that it is rolled by machine.

Morena Gajak

Morena has been very famous in the case of Gajak. That’s why this Gajak can be made anywhere, but it has been named Morena. Before making it, jaggery and sugar syrup is prepared and roasted sesame is mixed well and crushed with a wooden hammer to give it a biscuit-like shape.

Til Mawa Gajak

Til Mawa Gajak looks very tasty to eat. To make it, mawa and sugar are fried for a long time. After that, along with mixing roasted sesame seeds, dry fruits and cardamom are added to it.

Til Patti Gajak

People like crispy and flaky Tilpatti very much. People eat this Gajag even during fasting. It is flavored with sesame seeds, jaggery, sugar, ghee and cardamom.

peanut grinder Gajak

This Gajak is a traditional sweet made of peanuts and jaggery. Usually this Gajak is also made at home. To make it, jaggery syrup and peanuts are first roasted and mixed well. After that biscuit shaped pieces are cut.

Many secrets of health are hidden in Gajak..

Along with taste, many secrets of health are hidden in Gajak. Yes, Gajak helps in getting rid of many types of problems. Sesame seeds are rich in sesamin and sesamolin and this helps in controlling blood pressure. Dry fruits are also added to Gajak, which along with providing strength to the body removes weakness. Sesame and jaggery increase metabolism in the body, it helps in reducing weight. There is no complaint of anemia by eating Gajak, because iron is found in plenty in it. These different types of Gajak are available in all the shops of Bharatpur and their price ranges from Rs.300 to Rs.450 per kg. Whenever you visit Bharatpur, you will find sweet dishes from any shop, Mukesh Kumar, Anand Swaroop, Parma Nand , Triloki etc. brands’ Gajak can be tasted.

Tags: Bharatpur News, Rajasthan news

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